Empowering visionary startups with Oystr Ventures.

Based in the vibrant heart of London, Oystr Ventures is a dynamic Venture Studio committed to turning groundbreaking digital ideas into thriving, high-growth startups. We partner with visionary entrepreneurs to craft and scale innovative business models that shape the future of digital landscapes.


Our vision is to empower entrepreneurs to create the digital tomorrow. We believe in the transformative power of technology and are committed to driving this change by providing startups with the resources, expertise, and support they need to thrive in a competitive landscape.


At Oystr Ventures, we foster a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous innovation. Our team embraces diversity and inclusion, encouraging bold ideas and fostering an environment where experimentation and learning are at the forefront. We believe that a supportive and dynamic culture is key to driving breakthrough innovations.


With extensive experience across various sectors, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and strategic insights to every venture. Our comprehensive suite of services includes:

Product Development

From ideation to market launch, we offer end-to-end product development services that transform visionary concepts into market-ready digital products.

Venture Funding

We specialize in early-stage investments and provide strategic capital to help startups scale. Our extensive network of investors and industry leaders offers additional funding opportunities and growth potential.

Mentorship & Guidance

Our seasoned mentors and industry experts provide personalized support and invaluable insights, helping startups navigate challenges and refine their strategies.

Strategic Partnerships

We facilitate strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and acquisitions to accelerate growth and expand market reach.


Our founders are supported by a diverse team of experts from the UK, Spain, France, and beyond. Each team member brings unique skills and insights to the table, ensuring that our portfolio companies receive comprehensive support across all areas of business and technology.

Pierre-Emmanuel Czaja
Co-founder & CEO

Pierre is an entrepreneur with a successful track record of exits over the last 10 years. He has worked for some of the leading firms in the world, including Total, P&G, and Ferrari. As the former country manager at HEAD Spain, Pierre has a wealth of experience in business development and operations. He holds a degree in Chemistry and has completed postgraduate education in Marketing and Management at Harvard and IESE. He likes to see the time he spent as a professional tennis player as his best education.

Pedro Pérez
Co-founder & CEO

Pedro is a business technology strategist and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience across a broad range of sectors and countries. He managed telecommunications projects worth over $10M at Telefonica-Movistar. As a pioneer investor in blockchain, Pedro sees it as the most disruptive concept and a game-changer for society in our times. He holds a master’s degree in engineering with honors and an MBA from UCLA. Pedro believes in scalability and simplicity in business and life.


At Oystr Ventures, we follow a meticulous and agile process designed to foster innovation and ensure the success of our portfolio companies. Our process is divided into four key stages.

Discovery & Ideation

This initial phase involves deep market research and ideation sessions. We work closely with entrepreneurs to identify opportunities, refine their ideas, and develop a robust business strategy. Our team conducts market analysis to validate concepts and ensure they meet a genuine market need.

Development & Testing

In this stage, we leverage our technical expertise to bring ideas to life. Our development team creates prototypes and conducts rigorous testing to ensure functionality, scalability, and user experience. We follow agile methodologies to adapt quickly to feedback and make iterative improvements.

Launch & Scale

Once the product is market-ready, we assist with the launch and scaling efforts. This includes crafting go-to-market strategies, setting up marketing campaigns, and leveraging our network to gain early adopters. We provide continuous support to ensure a successful market entry and growth.

Growth & Expansion

Post-launch, we focus on scaling operations and expanding the market reach. We help startups secure additional funding, form strategic partnerships, and explore new revenue streams. Our goal is to drive sustainable growth and position our portfolio companies as leaders in their respective industries.


We take pride in the tangible impact we have on the startups we support. Our portfolio companies have achieved remarkable success, and we are committed to continuing this trend. Here are some highlights of our impact.

Startups Launched
0 +

Since our inception, we have successfully launched over 4 startups, each making significant strides in their respective fields.

Average Annual Growth Rate
0 %

Our portfolio companies experience a robust average annual growth rate of 75%, a testament to our effective strategies and support mechanisms.

Raised in Venture Funding
$ 0 M+

We have facilitated over $20 million in venture funding, providing our startups with the financial resources needed to scale and succeed.

Follow-On Funding
0 %

An impressive 90% of our startups secure follow-on funding within 12 months of engagement with Oystr Ventures, highlighting our ability to prepare companies for long-term success.

Ready to elevate your startup? Reach out today and discover how Oystr Ventures can help you soar.